Commercial Services

Highway Maintenance

About Highway Maintenance

We’re dedicated to creating roadways that prioritise the well-being of road users, cyclists, and pedestrians, while also contributing to a cleaner, hazard-free environment.

Promoting Safety and Aesthetics:

Highway verges play a vital role in road safety. Our meticulous cutting practices ensure improved road visibility and prevent vegetation from encroaching onto paths and roadways – a potential danger to all. Beyond safety, well-maintained verges deter fly tipping, litter accumulation, and other hidden hazards.

Tailored Frequency for Optimal Results:

The frequency of highway verge cutting varies based on Local Authority regulations. Typically, this ranges from one to three times a year. In areas with intersections or challenging bends, more frequent cuts may be requested to enhance visibility. Our expertise ensures that grass is trimmed to a height not exceeding 40mm, maintaining both safety and aesthetics.

Eco-Friendly Approach to Grass Cuttings:

Rest assured, our practices benefit the environment. We leave grass clippings on the verge to naturally enrich the soil. Moreover, all grass cuttings are meticulously cleared from road areas and pavements, ensuring a tidy and safe space for all.

Championing Biodiversity:

Certain verges, recognised as roadside nature reserves, boast unique plant species. We respect these natural habitats, refraining from cutting or, if needed, scheduling cuts after flowering and seed-setting in late summer.

We’re dedicated to creating roadways that prioritise the well-being of road users, cyclists, and pedestrians, while also contributing to a cleaner, hazard-free environment.

Promoting Safety and Aesthetics:

Highway verges play a vital role in road safety. Our meticulous cutting practices ensure improved road visibility and prevent vegetation from encroaching onto paths and roadways – a potential danger to all. Beyond safety, well-maintained verges deter fly tipping, litter accumulation, and other hidden hazards.

Tailored Frequency for Optimal Results:

The frequency of highway verge cutting varies based on Local Authority regulations. Typically, this ranges from one to three times a year. In areas with intersections or challenging bends, more frequent cuts may be requested to enhance visibility. Our expertise ensures that grass is trimmed to a height not exceeding 40mm, maintaining both safety and aesthetics.

Eco-Friendly Approach to Grass Cuttings:

Rest assured, our practices benefit the environment. We leave grass clippings on the verge to naturally enrich the soil. Moreover, all grass cuttings are meticulously cleared from road areas and pavements, ensuring a tidy and safe space for all.

Championing Biodiversity:

Certain verges, recognised as roadside nature reserves, boast unique plant species. We respect these natural habitats, refraining from cutting or, if needed, scheduling cuts after flowering and seed-setting in late summer.

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